Damian Papworth

Digital Marketer | Creating Win Wins in Business –

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Number 1: Becoming One Of The Top Digital Marketing Companies

Digital Marketing Company

Ever felt like a sailor in the vast ocean of digital marketing, chasing after the elusive island of success? I’ve been there. I always wanted to be one of the top digital marketing companies in the industry also, with my first agency Ocean Feather Digital.

Starting out with nothing but a figurative boat and an oar—our business and strategy—it was endless waters to navigate. It was challenging, it was thrilling… it was also overwhelming.

Intrigued? Ambitious? Good! Because we’re about to embark on a journey towards becoming one of the top digital marketing companies in this dynamic industry.

From my experience both as a former digital agency owner and now, interacting with hundreds of digital agency owners at Globital, I’ve observed a common pattern that prevents business dreams from becoming reality.

The primary issue lies in the misalignment of business activities with the specific success requirements of their ventures. Owners, instead of focusing on strategies and actions tailored to their unique business model, they often get caught up in a whirlwind of random activities. These inconsistencies lead to poor results, wasted resources, and ultimately, unfulfilled dreams.

A common, well coined contributor to this problem is the ‘shiny object syndrome.’ From my conversations many of us chase shiny objects knowingly and with pride. We wear our efforts like a badge of honour. But we spend resources on these endeavours without considering if they align with the business’s core needs and goals. This lack of focus and strategic alignment hinders progress and prevents businesses from realizing their full potential.

And this is the purpose of this article. To offer you, the digital agency owner, a perspective on agency success that I see missing in almost all agencies I support.

Table Of Contents:


Damian Papworth

Unlock Unlimited Revenue In Your Agency

My team has helped hundreds of agencies around the world reach seven figures and beyond. It is possible for you too.

Test them out with a $1000 voucher – on me.


Crafting a Clear and Concise Business Strategy

Every great digital marketing company starts with a solid business strategy. It’s like setting out on an adventure with a well-drawn map rather than wandering aimlessly hoping to stumble upon treasure.

A clear, concise business strategy is your roadmap. This means having specific goals, understanding who your customers are, knowing what you can offer that’s different from competitors, and how you’ll deliver it effectively.

The Role of Goals in Your Strategy

Your strategic plan must start by defining success. Are you aiming for revenue growth? Market share increase? Or perhaps recognition as an industry leader?

Goals give direction and purpose to all the activities within your organization. They serve as the compass guiding every decision made across departments – whether it be finance or creative design.

Killer Value Propositions: Be Unique.

You need something special that sets you apart from others – this is where value propositions come into play. They define why customers should choose your services over those offered by competitors.

Setting Up Success: Becoming Crystal Clear

The final element I see missing in agency strategy is clarity. You need to get so clear on what success looks like in this strategy you can literally experience it in advance. One of the tipsI give the agency owners I speak to is to get really detailed in setting out the Profit and Loss of your agency when it has reached your goals. This will give you real insight into the business needs, the challenges you may face, and the lifestyle it can provide you

Key Takeaway: 

Setting up a successful digital marketing company is like embarking on an adventure. You need a clear map (business strategy), with defined goals as your compass, and unique offerings to set you apart. Get crystal clear, so you can see, taste and smell your success.

Mapping Out Actions for Success

Having a well-defined business strategy is the first big step towards becoming one of the top digital marketing companies. Having a plan is not enough; you need to divide it into specific activities.

Your action map should be more than just a list of tasks. It should be like your company’s DNA – unique and essential. Here are some tips on how to create an effective action map:

  • Set clear objectives: Know what you want to achieve at every stage of your journey. Use SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
  • Create Milestones and Foundation: Break down each goal into actionable stages so they become less daunting and easier to manage.
  • Prioritize tasks: Not all actions carry equal weightage. Prioritizing helps ensure critical items don’t get missed in the hustle and also lessons the allure of shiny objects.

Action Mapping Example: Improving Client Retention Rate

To give you an idea about how this works in real life, let’s take improving client retention rate as our objective (the ‘R’ from SMART). The following could be possible steps under this heading:

  1. Analyze past client data for patterns or common reasons why clients left (Specific).
  2. Determine reasonable improvement targets in client retention based on these findings (Measurable).
  3. Create plans addressing identified issues such as improved communication or better results reporting (Achievable & Relevant).
  4. Schedule data review of client retention metrics to ensure actions are contributing to desired outcomes (Time-bound).

By using a systematic approach like this, you make sure each task has a clear purpose. It also lets your team see how their work fits into the bigger picture.

Action Mapping: A Living Document

Remember, an action map isn’t fixed. It’s a growing document that changes as you move forward.

Key Takeaway: 

Your success in digital marketing isn’t just about crafting a plan. It’s all about transforming that plan into precise, attainable actions. Start by setting clear SMART goals and then break them down into bite-sized tasks that you can prioritize. A good starting point might be to boost your client retention rate – you could do this by diving deep into past data and creating targeted plans for improvement. Don’t forget, your action map is the key.

Embracing Consistency in Execution (Make This Your Superpower)

It’s simple to be tempted by the latest tactics and approaches in digital marketing. But one thing remains true: consistency is king. It might seem mundane or boring, but doing the necessary work day after day can lead to incredible success.

You have your strategy which captures your desired outcome. You have your action plan with milestones, priorities and supporting actions. Just do the work without variation. Even when its hard, when your tired, or your imagination is captured by the next shiny thing.

Be true to yourself. Honour your business. Do the reps required to achieve your goals.

This is where most strategies fail. When “auditing” activities back to goals, they are not consistent. They are not congruent. The actions are geared to achieve something other than the desire.

Persistence Amidst Challenges

The road towards becoming a top-tier agency isn’t always smooth sailing—it’s filled with challenges along the way such as algorithm changes by Google or Facebook that can impact performance metrics drastically overnight.

A study by Buffer, found that 73% of marketers believe their efforts through social media marketing have been ‘somewhat effective’ or ‘very effective’. This demonstrates that even amidst difficulties, staying persistent brings results.

This takes awareness though that change is just change. Expect it to come as a feature of business rather than an exception. And be resilient. Persist.

Routines That Make A Difference

To ensure consistency does not feel overwhelming – routines come into play. Just as we establish morning rituals to start our day right, we need routines in executing digital marketing strategies too.

These could include regular content brainstorming sessions with your team or scheduling social media posts for the week ahead. You can also use tools like Hootsuite to help manage and automate this process, ensuring you’re consistently reaching out to your audience without having to do it manually every time.

Maintaining Quality Consistently

Consistency lends itself to quality, and even mastery. It also lends itself to excellence in customer experience as consistency sets expectations that, by nature of consistency, are met every time. Make consistency your super power.

In my experience, these previous three concepts are the core ingredients to becoming one of the top digital marketing companies. This business discipline is sorely missed in our industry. The ideas that follow can contribute to success, but I believe should only be considered within the framework given above. Master

  • Crafting Your Strategy
  • Creating The Action Plan
  • Exercising Discipline in Consistent Execution of your Action Plan

And everything else will fit into your path to success. Here are some more ideas for you to consider though:

Key Takeaway: 

Consistency in your digital marketing efforts, much like watering a garden, leads to growth over time. This means regular high-quality content across various platforms and staying persistent despite challenges. Effective routines and tools can help manage this consistency without feeling overwhelmed.


Damian Papworth

Unlock Unlimited Revenue In Your Agency

My team has helped hundreds of agencies around the world reach seven figures and beyond. It is possible for you too.

Test them out with a $1000 voucher – on me.


Building a High-Performing Team

Becoming one of the top digital marketing companies will need a village of support. You will not be able to do it on your own. Think about your people – your team. Building a high-performing team can make or break your agency.

The first step to building such a team is hiring right. Look for individuals who are skilled, passionate, and fit into your company culture. Always remember that you can teach skills, but you can’t teach attitude. So get the right mindset and culture fit first and worry about skills second.

Fostering Growth within Your Team

Once you have attracted great talent to your organization, it’s important to keep them motivated by providing plenty of opportunities for professional development.

This could mean investing in training programs or giving employees time off to attend conferences and seminars relevant to their roles. You might also consider creating an internal mentorship program where senior staff members guide newer hires through challenges specific to your industry.

In my opinion, the best fit new recruits are those that are an 80% fit for the role. Personal growth opportunities takes the best hires a long way in job satisfaction.

Maintaining Clear Communication

In any business endeavor communication plays a pivotal role; this holds especially true when managing teams working on complex projects like those found in digital marketing agencies.

  • Holding regular meetings helps everyone stay updated on project progress as well as allows space for discussing new ideas and addressing concerns promptly before they escalate into major issues.
  • Encourage open communication by creating a safe environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas.
  • To ensure effective collaboration, make use of project management tools like Slack or WhatsApp Groups, which allow for easy sharing of updates, files and feedback.

Key Takeaway: 

To become a top digital marketing company, you need to build an exceptional team. Start by hiring the right people who are skilled and fit your culture. Keep them motivated with professional development opportunities. Promote clear communication using regular meetings and project management tools.

Staying Updated with Industry Trends

Digital marketing is a dynamic industry. Staying informed about the most recent movements and advances is critical to remain ahead in this ever-evolving industry.

Think With Google’s Mobile Marketing Statistics shows how mobile usage has exploded over the past few years. Staying abreast of the ever-evolving mobile landscape is critical for successful digital marketing.

The Importance of Staying Current

Failing to adapt to new trends in the digital world can lead to falling behind competitors who are more agile and responsive. Conversely, staying updated offers opportunities for growth and innovation.

A perfect illustration is Social Media Marketing. A decade ago, platforms like Facebook or Instagram were not even considered as part of most companies’ advertising strategies. Today, they’re crucial components for success in many industries.

Temper this a little though. In recent times I’ve noticed it rarely pays to be the first in innovation. Our clients just want quality leads after all. Implement new services only when there is a clear value add for your clients, that you can guarantee.

Key Takeaway: 

Staying on top of digital marketing trends is crucial. Not doing so can lead to lagging behind your competition, but being up-to-date offers growth opportunities. Use blogs, seminars, and mentorship for insights into industry changes. Finally, don’t just keep pace with trends – apply relevant ones to boost your strategy.

Investing in Advanced Marketing Tools

If you’re serious about climbing to the top of the digital marketing industry, investing in advanced marketing tools can be amazing for outcomes and enhancing margin. Advanced marketing tools are the power tools of your trade, allowing you to maximize efficiency and productivity while freeing up time for other value add.

The right set of marketing automation tools, for instance, can streamline your email campaigns or social media postings. This lets you stay focused on creating engaging content instead of getting bogged down with repetitive tasks. And with the introduction of AI into our industry, we even have a new set of power tools which can multiply our content creation capabilities.

Selecting The Right Tools For Your Business

Picking out which tool is right for your business might feel overwhelming due to the sheer number available. But don’t worry. Consider factors such as cost-efficiency, convenience of use, and how well it works with other systems you employ.

A simple rule of thumb is this: if a tool saves time without compromising quality (or even enhancing it), then that’s likely a wise investment.

Fostering A Culture Of Continuous Learning

But it’s not just about having the best tools; you also need to know how to use them effectively. That’s why fostering a culture of continuous learning within your team is crucial.

Keep everyone in the loop with fresh features and updates from tech tools, not to mention the latest buzz in digital marketing. This ensures every buck you pump into these resources truly pays off.

Key Takeaway: 

Boosting your digital marketing performance means investing in advanced tools to amp up efficiency and effectiveness. It’s all about smart choices, picking tools that are cost-effective, user-friendly, and can easily mesh with your current systems. But owning these powerful gadgets isn’t enough – mastering their use is crucial. So make sure you’re not just buying them but also really getting the hang of it.


Damian Papworth

Unlock Unlimited Revenue In Your Agency

My team has helped hundreds of agencies around the world reach seven figures and beyond. It is possible for you too.

Test them out with a $1000 voucher – on me.

Measuring and Improving Performance

To climb to the top of the digital marketing industry, you need to be keen on measuring your performance. Without a speedometer, you’re unable to track your progress and performance effectively.

The first step is determining what key performance indicators (KPIs) matter most for your business. Is it website traffic? Conversion rates? Or perhaps customer retention rate?

Track Your KPIs

KPIs are unique for every company because they depend on individual goals. HubSpot provides an extensive list of examples, which can help identify relevant KPIs for your firm.

You might focus more on conversion rates if lead generation is your priority but pay attention to customer lifetime value if long-term profitability matters more. Always remember that KPIs should tie back directly to your overall business objectives.

I’ve found in my business experience that we get results only on the tactics we have the spotlight on. Other strategies tend to wane until they become a priority and we put them under spotlight scrutiny.

Analyzing The Data

Data analysis isn’t about drowning in numbers; instead, it’s making sense out of them. It helps understand where things are working and areas that need improvement.

Google Analytics is a fantastic tool for understanding user behavior on your site, while tools like SEMRush can give insights into SEO efforts.

Making Improvements Based On Insights Gained

Gathering data and analyzing isn’t enough – using these insights to make improvements is what drives growth. It’s like having a treasure map but not following it to find the gold.

For example, if your data shows high traffic but low conversion rates, you might need to improve your call-to-actions or tweak landing pages for better user experience. If customer retention is low, maybe there’s a need for more engaging post-purchase communication.

In this digital age where change is constant and rapid, remember that improvement isn’t an endpoint; it’s an ongoing process.

Key Takeaway: 

Track your company’s unique KPIs to measure digital marketing performance. Use tools like Google Analytics and SEMRush to make sense of the data, not just collect it. Then, leverage these insights for constant improvements – whether that means refining calls-to-action or enhancing post-purchase communication.

FAQs in Relation to How to Become One of the top Digital Marketing Companies in the industry

How do I become a successful digital marketing company?

To succeed, develop a solid business strategy, consistently execute your plans, and build a high-performing team. Stay current with trends and use advanced marketing tools.

What is the best industry for digital marketing?

Digital marketing thrives in industries like eCommerce, technology, health care, and education. But its techniques can work wonders across many sectors.

How do I grow my digital marketing agency?

Growth hinges on delivering stellar results to clients. Also, focus on building strong relationships with them while expanding your service offerings based on market needs.

How do I become an expert in digital marketing?

Becoming an expert demands continuous learning about emerging trends. You also need hands-on experience implementing different strategies across various platforms.


We’ve journeyed together through the strategies, actions, and tools necessary to become one of the top digital marketing companies in this industry. Now it’s time to apply.

Remember that a clear business strategy is your map on these vast seas. It guides you towards success while staying consistent ensures smooth sailing.

Your crew—your high-performing team—is essential for navigating tough waters. Staying updated with trends helps avoid unforeseen storms.

Investing in advanced marketing tools accelerates your voyage, while measuring performance keeps you on course towards your goal island: Success!

Turning into a leader isn’t a quick flip of the switch, but remember this – every great journey kicks off when we set sail. So, let’s hoist that anchor and start your voyage today! :pray:

how to become one of the top digital marketing companies in the industry